Генетики из венского университета Ветеринарной Медицины выяснили, что почти все современные породы лошадей имеют общих предков, завезенных в Европу с Востока около семисот лет назад. Две основные клады предков представлены восточной арабской линией и туркменской линию. Знаменитые английские чистокровные верховые лошади оказались потомками туркменских лошадей.

Генетика лошадей представляет в современном мире большой интерес не только для исследователей, но и для заводчиков. Люди, занимающиеся разведением лошадей, например, для скачек, хотят знать, какие скрещивания окажутся наиболее перспективными — по результатам генетического анализа можно предсказать такие характеристики, как окрас, размеры, выносливость, сообразительность и характер будущих жеребят. Происхождение пород лошадей также можно узнать с помощью исследования ДНК, и здесь на руку играет тот факт, что в течение сотен лет многие заводчики вели детальные родословные своих животных — ни о каких других породах и видах животных таких подробных записей в мире, наверное, не существует.

Низкая вариабельность Y-хромосомы у коней затрудняет проведение генеалогического анализа, однако в данном проекте ученые воспользовались данными по длинным участкам Y-хромосом с повторами, принадлежащих 52 коням из 21 породы, и их оказалось достаточно для построения филогенетических деревьев. Деревья, в свою очередь, сверяли с генеалогическими записями последних нескольких веков. Впоследствии анализ некоторых участков был расширен до 363 коней из 57 пород. В качестве аутгрупп (контроля) использовались лошадь Пржевальского и осел.

Выяснилось, что все современные породы, по-видимому, имеют общих предков, около семисот лет назад завезенных в Европу с Востока. В образовании новых пород участвовали две основные клады — арабские лошади и туркменские лошади. Шотландский пони, норвежская фьордовая лошадь и исландская лошадь оказались наиболее далекими родственниками остальных лошадей. Лошадей привозили, например, в качестве подарков правителям, кроме того, они служили предметом торговли. Арабские и туркменские лошади, по-видимому, давали наиболее плодовитое потомство, поэтому их раз за разом скрещивали с другими лошадьми, в результате чего они стали основной составляющей мужской линии современных пород. Среди потомков туркменских лошадей — в частности, английская чистокровная верховая, южно-германская тяжелоупряжная, американская Quarter Horse и Аппалуза.

Анна Казнадзей

Y Chromosome Uncovers the Recent Oriental Origins of Modern Stallions


  • · Y chromosomes of modern horse breeds arose from a single ancestor after domestication
  • · Sex-biased selection increased a few Oriental-derived Y chromosome lineages
  • · English Thoroughbred founder stallions can be traced back to a Turkoman origin

The Y chromosome directly reflects male genealogies, but the extremely low Y chromosome sequence diversity in horses has prevented the reconstruction of stallion genealogies. Here, we resolve the first Y chromosome genealogy of modern horses by screening 1.46 Mb of the male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) in 52 horses from 21 breeds. Based on highly accurate pedigree data, we estimated the de novo mutation rate of the horse MSY and showed that various modern horse Y chromosome lineages split much later than the domestication of the species. Apart from few private northern European haplotypes, all modern horse breeds clustered together in a roughly 700-year-old haplogroup that was transmitted to Europe by the import of Oriental stallions. The Oriental horse group consisted of two major subclades: the Original Arabian lineage and the Turkoman horse lineage. We show that the English Thoroughbred MSY was derived from the Turkoman lineage and that English Thoroughbred sires are largely responsible for the predominance of this haplotype in modern horses.

Results and Discussion

The male-specific region of the Y chromosome (MSY) in mammals is transmitted without recombination from fathers to sons and reflects the migratory and demographic history of males exclusively. Using mtDNA as the female counterpart, it is possible to contrast the demographic history of males and females of a single species. The horse (Equus caballus) provides a particularly striking example of different demographic patterns between the two sexes. In contrast to the high mtDNA diversity, with coalescence times clearly pre-dating domestication, the MSY has extremely low diversity. The low MSY diversity cannot be explained by a low mutation rate; the Y chromosome lineages of modern horses are clearly distinct from those of the Przewalski’s horse (E. przewalskii), and prehistoric horses have much more diversity. Rather, the presence of only six Y chromosome haplotypes (HTs) in modern European horse breeds and the limited microsatellite variability suggest an extremely low effective population size of males. The decline of Y chromosome diversity in horses likely started about 5,500 years ago with genetic bottlenecks during the domestication process and was further enhanced by multiple prehistoric and historic waves of migration. Most so-called “modern horse breeds” are the result of centralized and organized horse breeding over the past few hundred years. During this period, inbreeding and line-breeding concepts became popular, and the entire horse population has been strongly affected by these strategies.

Of particular importance was the trend to import stallions from foreign studs to improve local herds. In central Europe, this practice started in the 16th century with the popularity of Spanish and Neapolitan stallions. Until the end of the 18th century, the Central European horse population was shaped by the introduction of “Oriental stallions,” and during this period imports were largely restricted to Turkoman (from the steppes of central Asia) and Arabian (from the Arabian Peninsula) stallions. Stallion-mediated improvement peaked in the 19thand 20th centuries with the enormous influence of the English Thoroughbred. The English Thoroughbred has had a closed studbook since 1793 and was founded by an earlier introgression of Oriental stallions, bred to local mares. This breeding history has led to a situation in which only a handful of founder lineages remain within modern horse breeds and the breeding success of imported bloodlines might have resulted in the complete replacement of autochthonous Y chromosome variants.

Recent founder effects have therefore had a major impact on MSY diversity in horses. Using high-resolution MSY haplotyping, we aimed to unravel the origin of influential founder stallions and to determine their genetic influence on contemporary horse populations.

Human studies have shown the potential to screen large regions of the MSY in multiple samples to detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small insertion/deletions (indels) and thus to derive detailed MSY genealogies. Its highly repetitive structure makes the Y chromosome the most challenging mammalian chromosome to sequence and assemble, and the MSY sequence is nearly complete for only a few species. Nevertheless, Y-linked regions can be partially assembled using next-generation sequencing data even if they are surrounded by repetitive DNA.

We generated a horse MSY reference sequence and subsequently used it for variant calling using short-read data from multiple individuals. To generate the reference, we initially enriched for male-specific reads by mapping paired-end Illumina reads from the genomes of three male Lipizzan stallions to the published female horse reference. We then performed a de novo assembly of all unmapped reads (0.7% of the total reads) and obtained contigs with a total length of 13.6 Mb (Figure S1A). Because the reference assembly is based on an English Thoroughbred, the de novo contigs are a mosaic of MSY sequences and Lipizzan-specific autosomal and X chromosome insertions. Very stringent filtering criteria were applied to extract male-specific sequences. We mapped Illumina reads from 27 male horses of different breeds and from five females to the de novo assembled contigs. A contig was defined as MSY-linked if it was covered by male reads and not by female reads. We obtained 2,794 preliminary MSY contigs covering a length of 1.67 Mb. Details of mapping coverage are given in Figure S1B and Data S1. We scrutinized our pipeline by validating 84 of the 2,794 Y contigs by PCR using male and female horse DNA as templates and found that 100% of our MSY contigs were male-specific (Figures S1D–S1F). In the final filtering step, multi-copy contigs were removed. Based on a mean normalized average coverage of ≤1.5 (Figure S1C), we obtained a reference of 2,491 high-quality single-copy (scpMSY) contigs covering 1.46 Mb (see workflow including main results in Figure 1).

To detect variants, we mapped whole-genome next-generation sequencing data for 52 male domestic horses from 21 different breeds to the nonrepMSY reference, including a Przewalski’s horse and a donkey sample as outgroups. Using haploid variant calling, we considered all SNVs and small indels on the scpMSY with at least 2-fold coverage. We called 867 variants in domestic and Przewalski’s horse samples. In total, 53 domestic (50 SNVs and three indels) and 284 Przewalski’s horse (271 SNVs and 13 indels) variants passed several filtering steps and were categorized as “true” variants (Data S2). Fifty-two domestic and 12 out of 12 randomly chosen Przewalski’s horse variants were confirmed by independent validation (Figure S2B). The coverage for the donkey sample was fragmented, with only 80% of the scpMSY region covered. We therefore only considered the donkey to determine the ancestral state of horse SNVs and small indels. Together with four published MSY variants, the 49 SNVs and three indels formed 24 individual HTs in our sample of 52 modern horses (Data S3).

A maximum-parsimony tree was built based on inferred domestic horse HTs using the Przewalski’s horse and the donkey sequence as outgroups (Figure 2). The two deepest splits in the MSY ancestry separated northern European samples with two well-supported branches: N (Shetland pony and Norwegian Fjord horse) and I (Icelandic horse). Two sequence variants (rAX and rAY) defined a crown group, which was a sister group to I and contained 47 samples. Within the crown group, we observed a polytomy with four branches (A, L, S, and T). The Arabian horse, two Arabian-influenced Trakehner stallions, a South German draft horse, and Connemara ponies were included on branch A. Stallions with an Iberian origin, namely a Lipizzan sire lineage with documented Spanish ancestry and a Sorraia male, were located on branches L and S. Branch T was defined by the SNV rA and corresponded to the previously described HT2. This group contained more than two-thirds of our samples (37), all of which have a documented English Thoroughbred paternal ancestry, except the Franches-Montagnes horse (Tu).

Nucleotide diversity was extremely low (Watterson’s θ: 7.9 × 10−6 for all domestics, 4.8 × 10−6 for the crown group), suggesting a recent common ancestor for all HTs. With the caveat of the possible underestimation of branch lengths due to missing variants, our whole-genome sequencing approach provides a SNV set that can be used to date the nodes in the genealogy without ascertainment bias. We estimated the mutation rate of the horse MSY using four variants (rO, rE, rF, and rL) that occur in documented pedigrees (Figures S3A–S3C). Based on 1.36 Mb MSY sequence screened and 101 generations covered by the pedigree, we inferred a mutation rate of 2.91 × 10−8/bp/generation, an estimate that agrees well with the rate observed in the human MSY. Assuming a mean generation time of 7 years, we dated the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of the crown group (A-L-S-T) to 647 ± 229 years ago. The entire tree coalesced as recently as 1,328 ± 380 years ago, and TMRCA of Przewalski’s horse and domestic horse Y chromosomes was dated to 23,716 ± 1,975 years before present (Figure 3A). Because our estimated mutation rate per generation was based on only four mutations, it is not very robust. Furthermore, estimates of the generation times of horses are quite variable, resulting in a wide range of TMRCA estimates (Figure 3B). Within the limits of our assumptions, all estimates were consistent with the view that the modern horse MSY lineages arose from a single founder that lived after the domestication of the species.

To address whether the observed phylogeny covers the male breeding stock of modern breeds, we evaluated the MSY HT distribution by genotyping 56 MSY variants in a comprehensive set of 363 males representing 57 modern breeds. A pedigree-based sampling strategy was used to cover the influential lines of a given breed and to avoid oversampling of relatives. A detailed list of samples is given in Data S4. We detected 36 HTs; Figure 4A gives the HT network rooted with the Przewalski’s horse. Even in the larger sample, haplogroups N and I were restricted to northern European breeds, with the single HTs Nf in the Norwegian Fjord horse, Ns-1 in a Swedish Coldblood horse, and Ns-2/3 in Shetland ponies. Particularly remarkable is the high HT diversity in the Icelandic horse (I-1 to I-4).

All remaining horse breeds clustered within the A-L-S-T crown group and mapped either to recent branches or to the basal node (X). This implies that MSY diversity in modern horses was not underestimated due to ascertainment bias for MSY variants. Grouping breeds by phenotypic characteristics, geographic origin, and breeding history revealed that MSY HTs were distributed unevenly (Figure 4B). Horse breeds influenced by Arabians and Arabian studs carried HTs Ao and T, whereas all English Thoroughbreds carried Tb, with Tb-dW approaching fixation. Tb and Tb-dW were also predominant in European and American sport horses influenced by the English Thoroughbred. The strong influence of Arabian (Ao) and Iberian (S and L) lineages was evident in draft horses, pony breeds, and baroque breeds. The Ad lineage was restricted to these three groups of breeds (Data S4).

MSY markers specific to particular founder lines can be used to identify the origin of founder studs and to determine their influence on the global horse population. We initially reconstructed the paternal genealogy of descendants of three English Thoroughbred founders, Darley Arabian (1700), Byerley Turk (1680), and Godolphin Arabian (1724). Our samples included 110 descendants of Darley Arabian, 22 of Byerley Turk, and seven of Godolphin Arabian. The pedigree reconstruction and genotyping results are given in Figure S4. We assigned HT Tb-d to Darley Arabian, and the predominant HT Tb-dW1 (defined by the variant rD) was in agreement with the described HT3, representing the English Thoroughbred stallion Whalebone (1807). Out of the five pedigree errors observed in the descendants of Darley Arabian, one occurred in the lineage of King Fergus (1775). Although fewer samples were available for the other two founder stallions, we identified an association of HT Tb with Byerley Turk. The major HT in the Godolphin Barb samples was Tb-g2, but based on the comparatively low number of samples and their coalescence at Comus (1809) (Figure S4C), this founder stallion might have had HT TB-g or even Tb. A reconstruction of the HTs of 32 other stallions is presented in Data S4.

While the sub-branches of Tb (Tb-g, Tb-k, Tb-r, Tb-dW, and Tb-dM) can definitely be attributed to English Thoroughbred stallions, the basal HT Tb was also found in breeds with no documented English Thoroughbred influence, such as the Hucul and Lipizzan stallion lines. None of the classical breeds commonly used for refinement (i.e., Spanish, Barb, and Arabian horses) carried Tb. To identify the origin of Tb, we extended our samples by including the Akhal-Teke, the remnant of the Turkoman horse, and found that Tb is the most frequent HT among 78 Akhal-Teke males (81%, Figure 4B). Thus, Tb is likely of Turkoman origin and spread widely by English Thoroughbred stallions. Additionally, the presence of Tb in many European breeds with no documented influence of English Thoroughbred stallions shows the influence of Turkoman stallions, independent of the English Thoroughbred. This finding corresponds to the geopolitical development of the region.

We conclude that the MSY crown group (A-L-S-T) in present breeds is a footprint of the “Oriental horse,” with haplogroup Tb attributed to a Turkoman origin and haplogroup Ao unambiguously derived from “Original Arabians.” Some descendants of Original Arabians clustered on the node basal to haplogroup T (Figure 4A, green circle). While this finding seems to contradict our hypothesis that there were two distinct male lineages for the Oriental founder populations, it might be explained by incomplete lineage sorting in ancestral populations or by an underestimation of private alleles. It might also simply reflect the inability of European horse traders on the Oriental horse markets in the 19th century to accurately identify “purebred” Arabian stallions. Variants specific to focal lines will be key to further studies of high-resolution, unbiased horse paternal genealogies. The horse non-repetitive MSY reference makes the identification of biallelic markers for a larger number of samples straightforward. It covers 1.67 Mb of the 15 Mb-spanning euchromatic part of the horse MSY and consists only of MSY sequences that lack homology to the X chromosome and to heterochromatic and repeat-rich regions. Based on the estimated de novo mutation rate of the horse MSY and the length of single-copy regions of the MSY, an average of 1 in 25 offspring of a particular stallion are expected to carry a new mutation. Customized target enrichment methods for MSY regions before sequencing make the identification of diagnostic SNVs affordable. It is thus feasible to ascertain diagnostic SNVs for a broad range of samples and stallion-line tracing, even for recently established lines.

Although it was founded less than 1,000 years ago from only a few Oriental stallions, the A-L-S-T crown group now accounts for most stallion lines in modern horse breeds. Similar to the deep-branching northern lines, we expect additional rural breeds, especially those from Asia, to harbor more autochthonous MSY variation. However, even with more data from extant horses, MSY branches may be too shallow to reach back to the beginning of domestication. Time series data from fossils should be included in analyses to elucidate the domestication process from the male perspective. The MSY phylogeny of modern horses can serve as a framework for the interpretation of MSY diversity in autochthonous and ancient samples.


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