Casus Belli: A Historical Lesson
By Dr. Begench Karayev It could be possible to attribute the contemporary global upheaval to clashing civilizations and cultures but a very clear and present danger actually emanates from the lofty ambitions and raging arrogance of some power players and decision makers. Their declaration to engage in a long war with the 'enemies of civilization' falls very short of any real justification. Sometimes it appears that the 'enemy' is a product of their paranoid imagination. In any case, it is difficult to accept their identified foes as 'enemies of civilization'. An impartial assessment would suggest that the authors of the Causus Belli are probably themselves the enemies of civilization, the civilization that they claim to defend. History shows that justice may be a murky concept, arrogance never goes unpunished, and sometimes the efforts to bring peace to hostile communities may result in tragedy for peacemakers at the hands of their own subjects or...