
Showing posts from June, 2014

Casus Belli: A Historical Lesson

By Dr. Begench Karayev It could be possible to attribute the contemporary global upheaval to clashing civilizations and cultures but a very clear and present danger actually emanates from the lofty ambitions and raging arrogance of some power players and decision makers. Their declaration to engage in a long war with the 'enemies of civilization' falls very short of any real justification. Sometimes it appears that the 'enemy' is a product of their paranoid imagination. In any case, it is difficult to accept their identified foes as 'enemies of civilization'.  An impartial assessment would suggest that the authors of the Causus Belli are probably themselves the enemies of civilization, the civilization that they claim to defend.  History shows that justice may be a murky concept, arrogance never goes unpunished, and sometimes the efforts to bring peace to hostile communities may result in tragedy for peacemakers at the hands of their own subjects or

Indo-Turkmenistan Relations and the Formation of Cultural Heritage of Turkmenistan in Middle Ages

R.L.Hangloo (India) In Indo-Central Asian relations the Turkomen have played very important and historical role that constitutes the most significant aspect of cultural heritage of both these countries in Middle Ages. . Although contacts between India and Central Asia go back to antiquity but it was with the onset of 13th century when Delhi Sultanate was established in India that new processes were set in motion to nourish a vibrant relationship between India and Turkmenistan despite the immensity of distances. There is hardly any area of Indian civilization which did not register the Turkoman influence. In establishing the Sultanates of Delhi, Bengal, Kashmir and Deccan the Turkomen played a significant role in politics, administration, military, judiciary, architecture, art forms, literature, poetry and in'various other institutions like Sufism. Even though the Turkoman established large Sultanates in various regions but they were deeply rooted in to the Turkmenian culture. Th

Turkmens of Iraq - Settlement Background

Iraq is known to the world as Mesopotamia, which means fertile land, by Hamurabi, the founders of the law, cuneiform writings and the hanging gardens of Babylonian. The land can be considered the original home of writing, astronomy and the earliest skill and concepts. Iraq survived one of the world's first urban and literate civilisations. It was probably the most wealthy area in the Middle East.  From early as 4000 DC, tens of nations could establish great civilisations in many regions of Iraq. Sumerians appeared in the Delta region of the Tigris and the Euphrates. Acadian's civilisation was in 2350 BC. By the 17th century DC, the Assyrians had created a vast empire, which ended in 609 DC. After Babylonians fell the Mesopotamia to the Persians in 550 DC.  Later on, Iraq became a battlefield between many rivals; Greeks, Seleucid, Romans and Sasanians. Byzantines ruled Iraq until the 7th century.  After defeat of the Arab forces under Abu Ubeyd El-Thekafi at th

Становление Османской империи. XIII-XVI вв.

700-летие османской государственности (1299-1999) - событие, отмеченное ООН и по-разному встреченное общественностью и учеными различных стран. Оставим в стороне острые политические оценки и ретроспекции тенденциозного характера, которые в избытке появились в связи с этой - условной - датой.  Автора подвигли на заявленные очерки отнюдь не юбилейные штудии. Речь могла бы идти прежде всего об удовлетворении острого и непраздного любопытства широкой общественности к "образу соседа". Два южных соседа России - Турция и Иран - неизменно присутствуют в ментальном поле россиянина. Персидские сказки как норма детского чтения и турецкие обиходные слова в русском языке, элементы быта и культуры турок и иранцев, которые уже не осознаются у нас ни чуждыми, ни тем более принадлежащими "супостату" - противнику, наконец, поразительная открытость "берега турецкого" русскому туристическому нашествию (с Ираном - существенно сложнее) - множество обстоятельств заставляет осма